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Dublin City Schools uses a curriculum that is aligned to the Ohio Department of Education's Early Learning and Development Standards. The standards are recommendations by the Ohio Department of Education as to the type of skills most children have upon entering kindergarten. The standards  provide the foundation for our curriculum that was developed by the Early Childhood Team in Dublin City Schools.  We offer opportunities for students to practice learning targets in age-appropriate activities. 

PreK-12 Curriculum Work Process

One of the key components of a Professional Learning Community is ongoing teacher collaboration and reflection centered on the goal of increasing student achievement. To continuously refine district curriculum, instruction and assessment practices, Dublin City Schools utilizes Content Area Councils. Councils are comprised of teachers from each building and represent district grade levels and courses.

Graded Course of Study: Dublin operates on a five-year curriculum review cycle to ensure that each content area is continuously updated. Using the State of Ohio Content Standards and other nationally recognized resources, teachers in collaboration with Learning and Teaching Department Administrators, develop courses of study that define the content for each grade level or course offered at Dublin City Schools. The Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, adopts each graded course of study.

To provide guidance for instruction and learning, Dublin City Schools has developed Big Ideas, Essential Learning’s, Target Statements and I Can Statements from the Graded Course of Study.

  • Big Ideas anchor the field of study.
  • Essential Learning’s focus instruction and assessment by identifying core concepts.
  • Targets Statements identify the concepts and applications to be assessed within the intended learning.  
  • I Can Statements are written in parent and student friendly language. They are designed to help increase the understanding grade level or course content as they apply to your child.