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About the Preschool

The Dublin City School District offers an outstanding preschool program that serves children with disabilities and also provides an educational opportunity for typically developing children to serve as social and academic role models (peers) in the classroom.  We strive to ensure that all children in our program are challenged to excel to the best of their ability.  It is our goal to help children arrive to kindergarten equipped with the necessary skills for success.

Our program aligns to the Early Learning and Development Standards as recommended by the Ohio Department of Education. Learning standards are addressed in the following domains: Social-Emotional Development, Approaches Towards Learning, Cognitive Development and General Knowledge, Language and Literacy Development, and Physical Well-Being and Motor Development. Children practice and explore these skill areas through age-appropriate activities that are skillfully developed by our staff.


Early childhood spans the years of development from birth to kindergarten. We know that children in this age group acquire knowledge in ways that are significantly different from the ways in which older children learn. Young children learn best when they interact with people and manipulate objects. They are motivated by their desire to make sense of the world around them.  How young children learn dictates how they should be taught. For young children to fully understand and remember, information must be presented to them in the context of their own experiences and environment.  If their learning experiences are relevant, they are more likely to persist and be motivated to continue learning. It is the staff's role to provide an environment and a variety of activities to facilitate this.  Young children develop a greater understanding of their world when given opportunities to observe and model behaviors and skills exhibited by children from various developmental levels. All of our classrooms typically have developing peers to provide these opportunities. 



The Dublin City Schools Preschool strives to promote academic achievement by offering services to our early learners, while focusing on their diverse and individual needs. We collaborate with parents, community members, students, and staff to create a high-quality program, in which each child is a valued member of a learning community.  

There are 14 preschool classrooms. Each classroom has one classroom teacher and two paraprofessionals. Morning and afternoon sessions are offered.

4 days per week classes
Monday - Thursday, 
AM Session 8:45-11:15 for bus riders
AM Session 9:00-11:30 for non-bus riders
5 days per week classes
Monday - Friday,

PM Session 12:45-3:15 for bus riders
PM Session 1:00-3:30 for non-bus riders

Transportation is only provided to those students who are attending a center-based preschool classroom through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

For further information regarding the program, please call (614)761-5880.